Digital and In-Person Worship at St. Mark's

You are welcome to come in-person at 8am & 10am or watch online on Sundays at 10am. Come as you are.

Go to FacebookYouTube or HERE to join in a live broadcast of these services. 

Past services can be found HERE

Online Worship is as follows:

  • Tuesday = Morning Prayer at 8:00 am
  • Wednesday Morning Prayer at 8:00 am
  • Sunday = Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am

In-Person Worship is as follows:

  • Wednesday = Eucharist at 12:00 Noon
  • Sunday = Holy Eucharist at 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Sundays are the day when Christians celebrate Jesus' Resurrection and the way that God's power is still at work in the world and in us.

At St. Mark's, Sunday typically includes three different and distinct times of worship.

At 8 am we gather in an intimate group to hear Holy Scripture, and celebrate Jesus' Last Supper. This is a spoken service which includes three distinct readings from the Bible as well as an opportunity to gather around the Altar to receive Holy Communion. This service usually lasts 45 minutes.

At 10 am a large group gathers with music and song to hear Holy Scripture and celebrate communion. This service is interactive, lively, and is welcoming to people of all ages from the youngest to the oldest. Music and prayers come from both modern and traditional sources which offer variety to our worship. Three Scriptural texts are read from in this service. The length of this service is typically 65 minutes.


The Christian formation program at St. Mark’s is made up of teachers and leaders from every aspect of our multi-age Church School program. To learn more contact Rev. Mia Kano at

St. Mark's has been delighted to offer children's programming for Pre-K through 12th grade during the school year. If you'd like to learn more about Fall 2022 plans and visioning contact the Rev. Mia Kano at

The Safe Church Officer for the Diocese is the Reverend Tanya Wallace. Contact her with general questions about trainings or safe church policy at:

The Intake Officer for the Diocese is the Reverend Molly Scherm. Contact her to report any suspected misconduct:


When you walk into the church on Sundays there are many opportunities to meet, greet, and interact with others. It is not uncommon to find people in the Great Hall casually sharing coffee before and after each service...there's always room for one more chair. Programs, discussion groups, and ministry teams often meet during these times to learn, share, grow and care. Children are often found playing in the nursery or around the food table provided by the Holy Grounds Ministry. Other folk are often found outside enjoying the gardens, grounds, or play area.